Saturday, April 22, 2017

Abide With Me

Just Kidding!!!!  (Just a little choir humor....)

Our next choir piece will be "Abide with me"  here is a little information about it.

This author had a very humble, but tragic life.  Through he served the Lord to the best of his ability, thus he knows and understands the meaning of this great text. Here is the music and the map.  Feel free to practice at home!

There is a cool feature for music at You can hear your part and see the notes associated with it.  Go to this link and look for "Parts". Mute all the parts but yours and hear your part.  In this following picture, the Tenor part is being highlighted.  You can also print your own copy from this link as well!

Here is the music for you!

Here is the Map:

Saturday, March 18, 2017

"Oh My Father"

To The Most Wonderful Choir Members!

We are fortunate enough to have 2 'famous' Basses in our choir.  So much so that both are going on tour in the next few weeks.  They also are our soloists for our upcoming performance.

Having said all of that, we will be performing on 3/19/17.  Soooo, we need to practice before Sacrament Meeting at 8:15 am in the Chapel.

I am uploading the music so that you can peruse it and be more familiar with it.

Thank you all for being so wonderful and serving our ward!

This is the 'map' of how we will be singing the hymn.  Please note the soloist sections.

Here is the actual hymn.  See you tomorrow!

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Stake Choir Schedule

Folks, consider what a tender opportunity this is for your family. A chance to sing as a family.  I hope you see you there!

From Sister Michelle Smith from the Stake

"Spring 2017 Stake Conference will be March 12th and for the next three weeks we will be practicing Sundays 8:00 AM and/or 4:30 PM and Thursdays 7:00 PM in the Stake Center Chapel followed by practices at the Alpine Tabernacle."

"We will be singing "This is the Christ." Here is a link with the song accompanied by beautiful video footage from Testaments that besides introducing/familiarizing participants with the song is wonderfully testifying to watch yourself and with your family!"

This is the Christ:

A Place in His Arms for Me:

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Countdown to Christmas.....

Are you counting the days until Christmas?  Well, here is our schedule,

Choir and Young Women's Choir:

12/18/16: Practice in the Chapel at 12:15
12/21/16: Practice in the Chapel at 7:00
12/25/16: Final Practice at 12:15.

Bell Choir:

12/18/16: Practice at the Carriers at 10:30
12/22/16: Practice at the Chapel at 10:00.

I want to thank everyone for all the dedicated hours you have put into learning the music for our upcoming Christmas Program.  Our Ward is very blessed to have you share your talents with them.

See you soon!

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Dear Choir members:

Thank you for all your hard work!  I heard many compliments about our performance today and how beautiful it was.  I totally agree!

Here is our practice schedule for the next month:

11/27/16:  No practice
12/4/16:  Practice at 12:15
12/11/16: Practice at 12:15
12/18/16: Practice at 12:15
Possible practice on Tuesday 12/20 depending upon how comfortable we are with our pieces.
12/25/16:  Practice at 12:15, performance at 1:00 during Sacrament Meeting.

Primary Choir:  Here is a video to listen to and learn "Could I hold the Baby".

See you in December!

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Hear ye Hear Ye......your parts for I believe in Christ

Hi all:

Here are your parts for our upcoming performance next week.  The Hymn will be "I Believe in Christ", Hymn 134.  The following video's are versus 3 and 4.  Please listen to your part as you practice at home.  Thank you all for your hard work to serve our Ward!

Soprano Part

Verse 3

Verse 4

Alto (Versus 3 and 4)

Tenor Verses 3 and 4:

Base Versus 3 and 4:

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Welcome October! New music, new music lessons, and a poll for Christmas music choices!

Good Morning Everyone:

I hope you enjoyed General Conference Sunday and had your Spiritual Cups filled to overflowing!  My thanks to our choir for their recent performance in Sacrament Meeting. I heard many compliments about the choir from our ward members!

Today we will be practicing "I believe in Christ" and hopefully our Thanksgiving music as well.

Please vote in the poll on the right side of the page (see previous post for links to listen) for your favorite 2 pieces.  I am ordering music in the next week and would love to have your input.

For those who are music lovers at heart, but are learning how to read and understand music, here are 2 more videos to help you learn more.  We are so glad to have you with us!

How to read a keyboard which can be helpful to try to practice music at home. If you do not have a keyboard or piano, don't worry!  There are many apps that you can download on your tablet or phone.  Let's get started!